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Covid 19

I’m so upset writing this………..😭😢😓

To all my loyal clients it is with deepest regret and sadness and as expected from today I have had to suspend all treatments and close the salon till further notice due to Covid 19 and the Prime Minister Boris Johnson announcement on Friday 20th March regarding social distancing. My main concern is that I am face to face with you for treatments , we are faced with an unprecedented situation where social distanceing has become an imperative to protect health and wellbeing of my clients and myself, but globally - for humankind and I have always made sure to look after you all 100%. I would like to thank all my loyal clients for their continued support through these worrying times, I will come back fighting stronger than ever. Of course I’m worried about the business that I have worked so hard for but I know I have support from you as clients and I thank you all very much for that. I can’t wait to get back to normal life and do what I love to do. I will be available on social media and updating my website and facebook page, to keep in touch with you all, even for a facebook, text chat. Please also check your emails for any updates as well.

✨Any appointments that have been booked in the next 2 weeks will be cancelled and refunds of deposits will be made over the weekend. I will then look at further appointments with updates from the government. If you have an appointment after the 2 weeks and wish to cancel you can do so by logging into my online booking system and go into my booking. Any vouchers bought that are still valid these have now been extended till Sept 2020.✨

Please take care and be safe let’s fight this together and thank you for your understanding.

Love & Respect Amanda xx 😭

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